
Our PSHE programme promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at Hatfield Woodhouse Primary Academy, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.

Our curriculum not only reflects the specific needs of the pupils but also reflects the universal needs shared by all pupils such as E-Safety, Railway Safety, Obesity, CCE (child exploitation) and Dental Hygiene. Since 2020, it has been statutory that we provide relationship and sex education (RSE) to all pupils as per section 34 of the Children and Social work act 2017. Relationship and Sex education will be taught as part of our PSHE curriculum. As a primary school, we are not required to provide sex education apart from the elements included in the primary science curriculum. However, as part of their Relationship and Sex Education, pupils in Years 5 and 6 will receive lessons on puberty, delivered by the Year 5 and 6 class-teachers.


It is our intent that we provide a PSHE curriculum that successfully develops the qualities that our pupils require to flourish in our society. This includes raising awareness of current affairs and/or issues that our pupils are facing. Also, by providing opportunities to work as part of a team and by challenging pupils in order to develop their resilience and perseverance.

Throughout the curriculum, pupils are provided with opportunities to deepen their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. This includes using current affairs and cultural experiences to enable them to become thoughtful and caring citizens within school, and within society.

An example of this is pupils visit different places of worship allowing them to be reflective of their own beliefs and respectful of others.

Opportunities are also planned throughout the curriculum for pupils to develop a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them and for them to use their imagination and creativity in their learning. As a result of robust curriculum provision, pupils have a good understanding of, and are able to discuss/ debate confidently about, how to keep safe, including their understanding of e-safety and different forms of bullying. 


The delivery of our PSHE provision will be taught through a variety of activities. We have dedicated curriculum time/lessons in addition PSHE is developed through whole-school activities and events:

• Our school council; the representatives from each class meet regularly to discuss school matters.

• Residential visits in Key Stage 2:

• Themed weeks; our children take part in themed weeks and whole school events.

• Visiting speakers.

• A variety of clubs. We also ensure that we incorporate and respect all social, moral, spiritual and cultural issues, encouraging our children to think about their place within Britain as citizens.

We include the five British Values (democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths/beliefs) within all of our teachings to establish an effective and safe school environment. PSHE will be delivered by the class teacher or the TA and where appropriate will use the support of visitors from external agencies.

Our curriculum covers the following topic areas


• Families and people who care for us.

• Friendships and Safe Relationships

• Respecting ourselves and others

Living in the Wider World:

• Belonging to a community

• Media literacy and digital resilience

• Money and Work

 Health and Wellbeing:

• Physical health and Mental Wellbeing

 • Growing and Changing

Keeping Safe PSHE education addresses both pupils’ direct experience and preparation for their future. Therefore, we feel it is important to provide a spiral programme of knowledge, skills and attribute development, where prior learning is revisited, reinforced and extended in age and key stage appropriate contexts. We feel that PSHE education should reflect the universal needs shared by all pupils as well as the specific needs of the pupils at our school.


The delivery of our PSHE provision will be taught through a variety of activities. We have dedicated curriculum time/lessons in addition PSHE is developed through whole-school activities and events:

• Our school council; the representatives from each class meet regularly to discuss school matters.

• Residential visits in Key Stage 2:

 • Themed weeks; our children take part in themed weeks and whole school events.

• Visiting speakers.

• A variety of clubs. We also ensure that we incorporate and respect all social, moral, spiritual and cultural issues, encouraging our children to think about their place within Britain as citizens.

We include the five British Values (democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths/beliefs) within all of our teachings to establish an effective and safe school environment. PSHE will be delivered by the class teacher or the TA and where appropriate will use the support of visitors from external agencies.

Our curriculum covers the following topic areas


• Families and people who care for us.

• Friendships and Safe Relationships

• Respecting ourselves and others

Living in the Wider World:

• Belonging to a community

• Media literacy and digital resilience

• Money and Work

 Health and Wellbeing:

• Physical health and Mental Wellbeing

 • Growing and Changing

Keeping Safe PSHE education addresses both pupils’ direct experience and preparation for their future. Therefore, we feel it is important to provide a spiral programme of knowledge, skills and attribute development, where prior learning is revisited, reinforced and extended in age and key stage appropriate contexts. We feel that PSHE education should reflect the universal needs shared by all pupils as well as the specific needs of the pupils at our school.

Teaching PSHE to children with special needs.

All pupils, regardless of their needs must be part of PSHE & RSE lessons, as it is an important part of developing healthy relationships with their peers. We will respect pupils’ unique starting points by providing learning opportunities that are matched to the individual needs of all children, including those who are gifted and talented or have learning difficulties. When teaching PSHE we consider the targets set for the children in their Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), some of which may be directly related to PSHE targets. For gifted and talented pupils, we will provide additional opportunities to take responsibility, develop leadership skills, think creatively and use their talents for the good of the class or the wider community.

Equality and Diversity

Our PSHE education is accessible to every pupil. Teaching will consider the ability, age, readiness, religious and cultural backgrounds of our young people and those with English as a second language to ensure that all can fully access our PSHE education provision, in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

Healthy Schools Award

As a school we will be working towards achieving this during the 2022/20223 academic year.

Anti-Bullying Award

As a school we will be working towards achieving this during the 2023/4 academic year.


As a school we have Thrive practitioners who are able to provide children and their families with support regarding their emotional and social needs. All classes have completed a whole class assessment to ensure that needs can be met and delivered through Quality First Teaching and through additional resources and interventions.


Votes for Schools
British Values Display

VotesforSchools – Personal Development, SMSC & PSHE: PSHE – Our Intent