The Personal Development Layer

Opening young minds to a world of possibilities through education

Our curriculum is designed to extend beyond the academic; it is designed for our community and wider society. We encourage tolerance, empathy and environmental awareness. We want our pupils to communicate confidently in our ever-changing world. We focus on developing pupils’ moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding so that they are well-prepared for life in modern Britain. We carefully plan the essential knowledge that pupils need to become educated citizens in an ever-changing world. We aim to introduce them to the best that has been thought and said and intend to stimulate an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.

Our PSHE and RSE curriculum helps pupils to understand how to keep themselves safe. Pupils can explore and debate issues which affect our local community and wider society. These include internet safety, radicalisation and diversity. We want pupils to be aspirational and make good choices. We want them to understand what they need to do to reach and succeed in the careers to which they aspire.

Pupils know more and more about how to keep physically and mentally healthy, eat healthily and maintain an active lifestyle. We help our pupils to be active by providing many different opportunities during and after school.

School Council

Children are a key part of our school and therefore each year, we hold democratic elections to select representatives from each year to sit on the School Council. The members then meet with Mrs Slater to discuss school issues, or things that the children would like to raise, representing their classes wishes and feelings.

This is a key part of British Values in action.


The school community has raised money for a number of causes. One of these was

Extra-Curricular Clubs

At Hatfield Woodhouse, we have a vast range of high-quality clubs that children can access. Some examples are chess, debate club, times table club and much more!

Educational Trips and Residentials

Educational trips and residentials are an important part of our school offer. Learning in new environments, being a responsible citizen and independence are all key life skills that children are taught. We also believe that new experiences are also key to developing ambition and developing an understanding of the wider world.

Spelling Bee Competition

Each year we hold a Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Spelling Bee competition. Years 5 and 6 also have the opportunity to compete in an annual Spelling Bee competition, hosted by Hill House School.


As well as a high-quality PE curriculum, children at Hatfield Woodhouse are able to participate in a vast range of sporting events, which include inter and intra-school opportunities. We participate in a number of competitive events, for example cross-country, football, athletics and more. Within this, we have provision to promote inclusion of all groups.

Votes for Schools

Each week we take part in the Votes for Schools poll, across KS1 and KS2 (Years 1-6). Votes for Schools is a key element of our curriculum, including rich exposure to issues involving British Values and social, moral, spiritual and cultural development. The approach allows pupils to consider current world issues and have their say in terms of the opinion they develop on a question over the course of the week. The week starts with a school assembly and then later in the week their is a further class based sessions, which ends with a vote.

Young Voices

Each year we participate in Young Voices in Sheffield. This is involves the school joining other schools to form a huge choir and perform to parents. Prior to this, the children spend time learning the songs and developing their singing and performance skills.